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Photos that were uploaded through this project have created the large photo mosaic that is now on permanent display in Poole Park.

We collected thousands of photos from individuals, schools, community groups and local business - and we thank each and every one for their participation!

The photo mosaic is designed to act as a link between the Victorian era of the park’s creation and modern day Poole and its people, with two aims:

  • To raise money towards the Heritage Lottery ‘Poole Park Life’ Funding Bid for Poole Park (more below), and
  • In its 125th year, to create a lasting celebration of Poole Park and the people that know, use and love it.

The photo mosaic reproduces the original Victorian (1890) plan for Poole Park and is sited beside the road close to the information kiosk. It is 5 metres wide and 1.8m high, of a high quality finish and expected to last a minimum of 15 years - hopefully a lot longer.

This fundraising project was the brainchild of the

Poole Park Heritage Group.


An example photo mosaic, as displayed at Gatwick Airport - created by the same company that produced ours

© Picture Mosaics www.pollytiles.co.uk

In August 2014 Borough of Poole submitted a £2.7 million bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a project called Poole Park Life.

The Council did not act alone, the bid was worked on with local residents, community groups, user groups and businesses that have a commercial interest in the park. The bid required that Poole Park Life raised a minimum of 10% of the total amount applied for (called match funding); this project contributed to the match funding.

The final image was created for us by pollytiles.co.uk

It was officially unveiled on 7th June 2016, by the Mayor of Poole, Councillor Mrs Xena Dion, alongside our Project Patron, the General Manager of Rockley Park Geoffrey Smith, together with our other sponsors, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Our Sponsors Home View Photos About the Project The Unveiling

The HLF funding bid covers five key elements, each addressing a need for improvement within the park - ’Lakes & Water’ ‘Play’ ‘Heritage & Landscape’ ‘Traffic’ and ‘Geese & Wildfowl’.

The final submission to the HLF was made in February 2017; news of the result will be announced in July 2017 and will be available at the Poole Park Life project website…